

演讲题目:Literature, translation and international soft power: Translating 西游记for Anglophone audiences

演讲人:英国国家学术院院士,伦敦大学教授 蓝诗玲(Julia Lovell)

主持人:清华大学外文系副主任 董洁

时 间:2023年10月12日(周四)10:00

地 点:文南楼116


Julia Lovell (Fellow of British Academy) is professor of modern Chinese history and literature at Birkbeck, University of London. She has translated many works of Chinese fiction into English, including for Penguin Classics Monkey King: Journey to the West and The Real Story of Ah Q and Other Tales of China: The Complete Fiction of Lu Xun. She co-designed the 2023 British Museum exhibition ‘China’s Hidden Century’ 晚清百态.


For decades, commentators in China have expressed concern that Chinese culture has not received the recognition that it deserves in the West. It is very clear that there is a cultural deficit between China and the West: many Chinese people know much more about the culture of Western countries than vice versa. Chinese commentators in the past often focused their anxieties on literary exchanges: they have been concerned that, relative to its richness and longevity, Chinese literature does not receive sufficient recognition in the West. Drawing on two decades of observing cultural and literary exchanges between China and Western, especially Anglophone, countries, I will discuss the importance of literature and literary translation in the construction of international cultural influence. I will then analyse my experience collaborating with Penguin Classics to present modern Chinese literature as an important part of world literature, and the particular case-study of translating 西游记, one of the most beloved works of Chinese literature both inside and outside China.


